From the initial telephone calls I could tell you were not the average builders. You both were friendly, open and honest from day one, which was very much appreciated.

Telephone calls were always returned in a more than reasonable time frame and you were always punctual when meeting times were arranged at the building site. Any questions I had were answered honestly and with a smile.

Not only are you a pleasure to deal with, your practical ideas and the thought that goes into designing a home is amazing and insightful. Your designs are practical and aesthetically classy.

Over the past 24 years I have used numerous Canberra builders while extending or building a new home and none of these builders placed as much importance on me as a client and the final result as you have.

Finally, we have a builder in Canberra who will and can provide a great end result and a quality family home.

I would recommend Kolak Living to anyone who would like to build a new home with an intelligent, honest and courteous builder with an outstanding result.

Yours sincerely,

D. Steele

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